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Check Out All of the Handwritten Tips from Food Network Chefs
1. Remember, y'all, it’s all about the prep. Take away the stress by doing the prep the night or day before. You'll look like a star.Paula DeenPaula’s Best Dishes2. The smaller the item, the higher the baking temperature. For example, I bake mini chocolate chip-toffee cookies at 500 degrees F for only 4 minutes. Perfect end result.Jim LaheyCo. and Sullivan Street Bakery, New York City3. Store spices in a cool, dark place, not above your stove. Humidity, light and heat will cause herbs and spices to lose their flavor.Rick TramontoTramonto's Steak & Seafood, Osteria di Tramonto and RT Lounge, Wheeling, IL4. Use a coarse microplane to shave vegetables into salads or vinaigrettes. You can create an orange-fennel dressing by adding grated fennel and orange zest to a simple vinaigrette.Paul KahanAvec, Big Star, Blackbird and The Publican, Chicago5. Always make stock in a large quantity and freeze it in plastic bags. That way, when you want to make a nice soup or boil veggies, you can simply pull the bag out of the freezer.Charlie TrotterCharlie Trotter's, Chicago6. If you're cooking for someone important — whether it's your boss or a date — never try a new recipe and a new ingredient at the same time.Marcus SamuelssonRed Rooster, New York City7. Cook pasta 1 minute less than the package instructions and cook it the rest of the way in the pan with sauce.Mario BataliIron Chef America
8. After making eggs sunny-side up, deglaze the pan with sherry vinegar, then drizzle the sauce on the eggs to add another dimension to the dish.Didier ElenaNew York City
9. After working with garlic, rub your hands vigorously on your stainless steel sink for 30 seconds before washing them. It will remove the odor.Gerard CraftNiche and Taste, St. Louis
10. Brine, baby, brine! Ya gotta brine that poultry to really give it the super flavor.Guy FieriDiners, Drive-ins and Dives
11. Remember schmaltz? Your mom and grandmother probably used a lot of it in their home cooking. Schmaltz, or chicken fat, has a great flavor and richness; it has a deeper flavor than duck fat and can be used on nearly everything. I also love poaching fish in it.Tony MawsCraigie On Main, Cambridge, MA12. If you find you need more oil in the pan when sautéing, add it in a stream along the edges of the pan so that by the time the oil reaches the ingredient being cooked, it will be heated.Anita LoAnnisa, New York City13. When you deep-fry, hold each piece of food with long tongs as you add it to the oil. Hold it just below the oil's surface for five seconds before releasing it. This will seal the exterior and stop it from sticking to the pot or the other food.Michael PsilakisFishTag and Kefi, New York City
14. For rich, creamy dressings made healthy, substitute half the mayo with Greek-style yogurt.Ellie KriegerHealthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger
15. When chopping herbs, toss a little salt onto the cutting board; it will keep the herbs from flying around.Joanne ChangFlour Bakery & Cafe, Boston
16. To make a great sandwich, spread the mayonnaise from corner to corner on the bread. People rush this step and just do a swoosh down the middle. Every bite should be flavorful. Now that's a sandwich!Roy ChoiKogi BBQ and A-Frame, Los Angeles17. If you keep it simple and buy ingredients at farmers' markets, the food can pretty much take care of itself. Do as little as possible to the food; consider leaving out an ingredient and relying on instinct.Tony MantuanoSpiaggia, Chicago18. Always season meat and fish evenly; sprinkle salt and pepper as though it's "snowing." This will avoid clumping or ending up with too much seasoning in some areas and none in others.Mary DumontHarvest, Cambridge, MA
19. For best results when you're baking, leave butter and eggs at room temperature overnight.Ina GartenBarefoot Contessa: Back to Basics
20. Homemade vinaigrettes have fewer ingredients and taste better than bottled ones. No need to whisk them: Just put all the ingredients in a sealed container and shake.Bill Telepan
21. For an easy weeknight meal, save and freeze leftover sauces from previous meals in ice cube trays. The cubes can be reheated in a sauté pan when you need a quick sauce.David BurkeDavid Burke Townhouse, New York City
22. When making meatballs or meatloaf, you need to know how the mixture tastes before you cook it. Make a little patty and fry it in a pan like a mini hamburger. Then you can taste it and adjust the seasoning.Isaac Becker112 Eatery, Minneapolis23. Instead of placing a chicken on a roasting rack, cut thick slices of onion, put them in an oiled pan, then place the chicken on top. The onion will absorb the chicken juices. After roasting, let the chicken rest while you make a sauce with the onions by adding a little stock or water to the pan and cooking it for about 3 minutes on high heat.Donald LinkCochon and Herbsaint, New Orleans
24. Low and slow.Pat NeelyDown Home with the Neelys
25. After cutting corn off the cob, use the back side of a knife (not the blade side) to scrape the cob again to extract the sweet milk left behind. This milk adds flavor and body to any corn dish.Kerry SimonSimon, Las Vegas
Lay the corn horizontally on a board, then cut off the kernels.
Run the back of your knife over the empty cob to extract the milk
26. Acidity, salt and horseradish bring out full flavors in food.Michael SymonIron Chef America
27. Take the time to actually read recipes through before you begin.John BeshAuthor of My New Orleans28. Organize yourself. Write a prep list and break that list down into what may seem like ridiculously small parcels, like "grate cheese" and "grind pepper" and "pull out plates." You will see that a "simple meal" actually has more than 40 steps. If even 10 of those steps require 10 minutes each and another 10 of those steps take 5 minutes each, you're going to need two and a half hours of prep time. (And that doesn't include phone calls, bathroom breaks and changing the radio station!) Write down the steps and then cross them off. It's very satisfying!Gabrielle HamiltonPrune, New York City29. Recipes are only a guideline, not the Bible. Feel comfortable replacing ingredients with similar ingredients that you like. If you like oregano but not thyme, use oregano.Alex SeidelFruition, Denver30. A braised or slow-roasted whole beef roast or pork shoulder can be made into several dishes and sandwiches all week
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