India Sweet Kesari Recipes Biography
Rava kesari recipeRava kesari recipe for beginners - Easy n delicious south indian sweet recipe which gives u fool proof result !
Cuisine: Indian Category: Sweet Serves: Serves 4 Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 15 Minutes Total time: 20 Minutes
White rava/Bombay rava/ Upma rava - 1/2 cup
Water - 3 cups
Kesari color/Orange food color - 2 pinches
Sugar - 3/4 cup - 1 cup ( use 1 cup for more sweetness)
Melted ghee - 3 tbsp ( 2.5 tbsp + 1/2 tbsp)
Cardamom powder – 1/4 tsp
Cashews – 5 nos
Grease a plate with a drop of ghee all over the plate and sides and keep it ready
Heat a non-stick kadai and add 1/2 tbsp of melted ghee.Roast the cashews till golden and set aside.
In the remaining ghee,add the rava.As soon as u add the rava,it should sizzle.So ghee should be heated properly.Roast the rava in medium flame for 2-3 minutes till it gives a nice roasted smell.Remove in a plate.In the same hot kadai,add 3 cups of water & 2-3 pinches of kesari color( adjust based on the color u need)
When the water starts to roll boil,simmer the flame completely and add the rava from the plate using one hand and stir it simultaneously using the other hand.Do it slowly.Lumps won’t form here as we are using more water.After u add all the rava,mixture will be watery.So mix it well till the rava absorbs most of the water and becomes slightly thick as u see in the picture.Add a tsp of ghee to the rava mixture.It prevents rava sticking to the pan.
Then cover the kadai with a lid and let it cook for 5 minutes. Keep the flame medium.Rava will be cooked well and if u take it with a ladle u should not see any white particles.
Then add sugar and mix well.As soon as u add sugar,mixture will become watery. So keep mixing.It will splash.Be careful.Keep mixing for a minute till all the sugar is melted and gets mixed with rava.When it starts to leave the sides of pan,immediately add the remaining 2 tbsp of ghee,cardamom powder,roasted cashews and mix well.As soon as all the ghee is abosrbed,remove it immediately and pour it in the ghee greased plate.Do all these process quickly.Everything gets over in 2-3 minutes.The consistency of rava kesari will be like watery paste and it will fall like ribbon not like a ball.It will set once its completely cool.So don’t panic.
To check the doneness of kesari,after pouring the mixture in the plate,touch it with your finger.If it is non-sticky,kesari is perfect.Else pour the mixture back to the kadai and mix it for a minute.Then remove.If u keep mixing for long time to leave the sides completely and roll like a ball,kesari will become hard and chewy.
Let it set well for 10-15 minutes and it become warm.Now u can draw shapes if u want OR serve in scoops adding a tsp of ghee.Remove once its cool or warm enough to handle.
First & most important thing is , rava should be cooked well and soft.Else kesari will be a super flop.Usually rava takes minimum 4-5 minutes to cook based on the quantity u use.
6:1 water,rava ratio works fine for me. If u want to reduce the water quantity , u can use 5:1 ratio.
If u add sugar to the uncooked rava , rava will not cook completely and kesari will become hard.
Adding the right amount of sugar gives soft kesari.If u add less sugar,add more ghee.U can also substitute cooking oil for ghee if u r calorie conscious. Use half ghee and half oil .
If want ,u can add all the ghee for roasting and make kesari.It works well for microwave kesari.
If u keep on stirring after kesari leaves the sides , it will become hard and chewy.So keep an eye on the consistency.As soon as it starts to leave the sides of pan,add the ghee,mix & remove.It will harden as it cools down.
To check the correct consistency,touch the kesari after u pour it in the plate.If it is non-sticky,kesari is done!! If not , again keep on fire and mix for a minute. It will be done.Kesari hardens when it cools down.So make pieces when it is warm.
If u want to serve as scoops in a bowl,take a ladle ful of kesari when it is hot,add a tsp of ghee n serve hot.No need to cut pieces in that case.
To reheat the kesari,just take the required amount of kesari in a non-stick kadai,add a tsp of ghee and mix it for a minute.It will be non-sticky n glossy.Remove and serve in a bowl.I personally like scooped kesari more than pieces.
Enjoy this delicious,soft kesari for special occasions and make it even more special Winking smile
sooji kesari
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India Sweet Kesari Recipes
India Sweet Kesari Recipes
India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes
India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes
India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

India Sweet Kesari Recipes

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